Saturday, March 21, 2015

Putting the Video Together

So here I have created each page, all consisting on a few cheesy photos and some comic book words relating to the photo and the narration, which will eventually be animated in after effects. I have set the photoshop file up so every image linked to each different scene has it's own separate layer, which will hopefully make it a lot easier to create he motion graphics in after effects. All the backgrounds, type and symbols have been created in Adobe Illustrator, put into Photoshop as a vector image so it doesn't pixelate in After Effects.

These pages won't have a plain white background, they will have a comic book layout page which will move around with each new scene.

On top of this we have decided to run with a third person story narration over the top. We originally planned to talk about ourselves in our own voices, but I have got in contact with a friend that has the right styled voice for what we need. (his voice is also a little clearer!). The narration will also go along with a steady, playful type of music which will play quietly under the narrator. I plan to create this voice over in garage band, with a high tech microphone to help get real clarity.

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