Thursday, March 5, 2015

Week 2 Class 2.1

Today we were introduced to the new brief for 300 level Visual Communication Design, 'Designing to Persuade'. Where the aim for the assignment is to explore techniques of persuasion through time-based media in a collaborative environment. Working in teams of two, with the use of Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects, our task is to create a 3-5 minute video promoting the team to a potential future employer. The video will incorporate persuasive ideas and visual techniques which will clearly communicate how as a team, how we would be the perfect people for a place in their company.

During this class, Minjoo and I (Brad) were paired up and were given Weta as our potential employer. We spent the class getting to know one another and came up with some similar interests that could work well in creating a very persuasive video. Before the next class, we plan to go away and find exactly what areas of Weta people can work in and what they look for in potential employees. This can help us grasp exactly what they will want to see in our video.

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